This is the end.. For every ending, there will be a new beginning. Which is what this blog will be about today, to document the last day of the MM seminar.. The beginning will be a major revamp of my life.. which is what the MM seminar has made me realise. In these two days, I've experienced stuff that I'll never even dream of experiencing. This morning, I woke up from the previous night's MM workshop, and I just thought to myself.. "was that a dream??" It really had that powerful impact on me.
Okay, here goes day 2:
First stop, met my coach at Metropol, went for dinner, and met up with another coach and his client. Both coaches agreed that I really need to work on my voice projection. I never have realised how important that is until today, I've heard Jeffy from RSD talk about it, but never would have thought how badly it is affecting me until I get comments from these coaches.
Well I'm seriously considering either getting a voice coach, or singing lessons or something to fix it, or start doing the exercises from the Speech book that I have.
I did an exercise where we started talking to each other by standing really far away from each other and just talking really loud to each other.. That was real fun expecially when we're getting all the smiles from passerbys thinking what the hell are we doing?? That's was pretty cool, but it does hammer down the importance of me getting over talking soft and projecting a confident and strong masculine voice.
Then we started to walk along Fitzroy st, opening and approaching.. the other client's much better than I am at it, can hold the set for much longer time than I can. The biggest problem that I'm having with opening sets are just not being in my head and just let everything go and just converse and vibe normally. What I did tonight was more of just asking questions.. I even got a point where these two girls just blatantly said that "I feel like I'm being interviewed"
Important thing to note here today is about riffing off topics. I have to be able to do that, and not just ask normal boring questions.. which will come off as conducting an interview.
So nothing much in terms of attraction building, most if not all the time my conversations bordered around:
1) What's happening?
2) What are your plans tonight?
3) How do you all know each other?
4) What are you drinking?
Answers to which I can't expand on, or maybe not good enough to trail to topics which I'm more confident of talking about. Most of these conversations lead to stuff like bars and clubs, and alcoholic drinks, which is better etc.. which I have absolutely no idea about, so probably that plays a major factor into why I can't riff of them. Or maybe I have to think of ways to say whatever they say and move onto another conversational thread that's more easy to talk to for me.
Another reason which I think may be a factor would be that I can't read into Australians at all, I don't know their life, I don't know what might be running through their mind, I don't know their interests, and therefore can't riff off topics....
Well anyway, highlights of blown outs include:
1) Blondes 2x
2) Interview
3) Eating 2 x
4) Husband
5) Aussie asians
Things I learnt
1) Importance of not using routines, I can see now why depending on routines can be bad, firstly, if you can't convey it properly, it'll seem incongruent and you'll be blown out straight away. I realise this as my questions are sort of becoming routines for me, I don't have anything else, and my brain sort of stays fixed into a pattern which I've grown comfortable resulting in blownout after blownout. But then I still think sometimes routines can be used but have to be used sparingly and only if you can deliver it congruently.
2) Don't come across as interviewing, I think to do that, I'll have to mix in questions and statements. Therefore I have to have some relevant stories to tell for club situations. Which is something i'll have to prepare. Also MAKE more statements!!
3) You really have to assess and calibrate yourself first before going for the approach. This is to judge what sort of people you're approaching and therefore calibrate your energy level and what you're going to approach with. I realise this after approaching the Docklands high class chick, and also the Greek people.. totally different from the Blondes.. and others..
4) When people are eating.. just talk for a little while and then move on. Don't stay too long.
5) VOICE Projection!! very important, probably have to find a voice coach.
6) IMPROVISATION class? probably thinking of taking that up, since I can't seem to riff off things.. and just accepting their answer as it is.
7) Smiling.. important to do it at the right moment... especially when telling a routine or doing something similar so that it's light hearted and people know that it's a joke.
8) C&F lines.. USE IT WITH CONGRUENCY.. you cannot start off with rapport rapport and then suddenly C&F all of a sudden.. you have to be playful and animated at the start, and then only when you throw in the C&F it'll be normal. Also.. C&Fs should be thrown in without hesitation.. or else it'll come across as you're trying to remember some line.. also USE WITH CARE.. not all lines work for me.. somehow, maybe because I'm not in character or they're just not suitable for Aussie girls.. for example, the line that I thought was C&F before when people say I look familiar and I'll tell them is that a pickup line? DOES NOT WORK!!
9) Realise that most of the asians here are ABC!! and treat them accordingly like an Aussie not what you would this it is!!
10) Power of belief, you really have to believe that women want you as strongly as you believe that 1 + 1 = 2
11) When talking to service people, make it an INTERACTION not a transaction. They are usually bored when every single day people just say the same thing, so if you make their life livelier, they'll definitely feel better.
12) Be more worldly in knowledge, experience more go out more and talk to people more, you'll definitely find out more things and can express yourself better.
Cool lines heard
1) In the two set that I was talking to, when one of them said that "He's OUR husband", I should have responded with: "Oh my god, he's such an UN-lucky guy, most guys have trouble dealing with just one girl, and he has both of you!"
2) With the blondes, I realise now how heavily they were shit testing me. Anyway, I think I responded pretty well when they girl said I should buy her a drink. She went: "You should buy me a drink and sing her a song" and I said: "Why don't you buy ME a drink and I'll sing her a song". And she responded with: "I don't buy guys drinks" Luckily I didn't back down because if I did, then it would have been worse. I could have followed up with: "What's the deal with girls wanting gender equality yada yada, here's your chance to prove that by buying ME a drink."
3) Heard this from my coach if I'm sarging at the gym. Stand and look at a girl, when she's done, say: I bet you can do Xkg more..
Interesting things which happened
1) At one point the waitress at the coffee shop came by to my coach and suddenly said: "I don't want to play any more games."
2) Met this asian dude called Mark, which is so much more in tune with his reality than me eventhough I'm bigger and taller than he is, he's so much more confident and better at girls than I am.