Friday, March 17, 2006

Started convo with 2

Well, 1 week after the course.. time really flies, and I've really begun to notice that I'm beginning to see the world with a different light. Everything seems better, and I'm getting this frame of mind that every girl wants me and I am capable of getting any girl at all.

I really think that this positive attitude of mine is noticeable by people as I really can tell that I'm giving out positive vibes and everything seems to be falling in place nicely :)

Also, I'm always noticing my tone of voice and making sure I make a conscious effort to talk louder at all times, as well as I'm always thinking of ways to open girls.. and when I think of one which is roughly good, I open without hesitation...

For example today I talked to two girls which I would never have done before, and I really surprised myself.. here's how it went and how I can improve further..

Babe 1 (7.5)
Happened to be in the same elevator with her, just the two of us, and I was just on my way to get some lunch.
Me: "I'm feeling really hungry, What do you think's good around here"
Her: (laughs) "Blah blah this I'm going this place to meet my friends"
Me: "Blah blah"

I didn't get much attraction going for this one though, just normal convo, not sure whether she's available or not, but she's a real attractive girl in my workplace.. if she's single I think I can get her :)

How to improve from here: I think since this girl's in my workplace and I'll most likely see her more often, will just practice C&F with her and take it easy and test her interest levels and see..

Babe 2 (7)
There was some incident in the train today which was delayed for about 10 minutes.
Me: Hey did you know what happened on the train just now?
Her: I don't know.. What happened?
Me: Oh, I heard people saying that there was a girl lying on the floor.

and that was it.. I got a better reaction out of this one though, she seems open for a chat, and again I cut off short. I think I could have followed up with something like:

Me: Yeah, isn't it scary? Don't you think that this seems like a good start for a horror film? and we're all characters in the movie. I can be the hero in the film, and you can be my sidekick..
blah blah..

Me: Ask some comfort questions like, So you don't sound Australian, Where are you from?
Studying? etc.. but remember not to make it "interview style"


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