Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Personality Disorder Test!

Monday, April 17, 2006

quick update!

So, here's an update of what's been up with some of the girls that I got email and telephone from, the first was the girl I met at the takeaway shop, things seem to be progressing fine.. and here's the story..

So after getting her email and added her to online chat, chatted with her for a while, and tried to set up a meeting, but unfortunately she can't make it, so waited a week.. met her at the takeaway food shop for a while, and teased her about being able to learn how to cook while she's working at that shop. Then on Friday morning chatted with her online again, and tried to set a date on Saturday, but she'll be busy then, and she suggested that afternoon itself, so.. ended up hanging out with 2 of her other friends. Went for lunch, and a movie later.

Everything seems to be going well, Kept up the teasing as much as possible, and manage to get the friend interested in me too.. but I'm just wondering whether I've paid too much attention to the friend as later when we chatted online, she asked me whether she thought that she was too quiet.. hmm, I think I might have stuffed up a little, as I remembered Mystery's teaching that you have to find something about the girl that you can like other than her looks, and at the moment, I can't seem to find anything.. (apart from her looks) so will have to try and set up another meeting to do A3 :)

So.. haven't heard from her for 3 days already after that day, think I'll call her later today and chat a bit :) no asking her out or anything, just not to let the line go slack.. as David D would put it.

And another girls's number that I got is a student studying at my workplace. .. she's about a 7.5 on my scale, cute and very chatty and friendly, I got her number but she didn't get mine, so I messaged her a day or two ago.. asking how she was and teasing that at least while she's on holiday, all the printers at work are safe from being broken by her. Hmm, didn't get any reply from her though.. I wonder if I should have reminded her who I was, I thought she'd immediately know it was me and at least have given me a reply.. alternatively, she could have given me a fake number, which I doubt.. maybe I should email her or something.. if I don't see her at work tomm :)

Well, so that's all for now.. will try my best to be hardworking and update my blogger.. not to forget my goal of becoming a great person.. changing from chump to CHAMP!

On a side note, I'm beginning to find it hard to maintain my voice.. as I keep forgetting during situations, but will keep on reminding myself not to forget the quality of my voice.. training it is harder that I thought!@!!!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

been so lazy to update my blog

Now I begin to realise that blogging does take up some time.. anyway, a quick update before this gets too old..

Few positive things been happening, and I'll list them down with my usual point style notes...

1) Been testing out smiling at every girl that I make eye contact with, not sure whether this is a good idea or not, as some girls will smile back, some will just look blankly at me, some will give me a weird look, hmm..

2) Been talking to supermarket cashiers and trying to turn everything from a transaction into an interaction.. some openers that I've used are.. So how's your day, been doing a lot of scanning? Usually at this point they'll say something like ooh yeah busy been working the whole day blah blah.. so I follow up with... So what's the most interesting thing you've scanned today?

3) But I do find the eye contact smile thing is useful though, as I met a girl that way, it went this way.. eye contact... smile... say Hi! and then started chatting.. I think either she's a really friendly girl or she has some interest in me.. and got her email address..

will post updates on how it goes :)

4) Been also wondering, what does it feel like to to be sarging a girl who turns out to be richer, have more friends and also more successful then I am. Somehow I feel like I've nothing to offer her, I wonder what other people think.....