Today went out with my wing, and met up with a couple of lair guys and tried to get into CQbar.
We first hung out at young and jacksons though, and I opened up this group who happen to be travelling. So I had a lot of fun talking to her finding out about what she's doing etc.. and she's very chatty.
Next, we tried to get into CQbar, but was knocked back because we didn't have any girls on us, so we went on to LalaLand.
Here I approached another set. Used an opinion opener, was pretty good, and there was this drunk girl as well, and my wing opened her.
Next went to GPO, and then opened 3 sets here. First one was a bunch of Italians. Here one of the guys asked me: So you're out looking for some ladies?
And I said.. Yeah, well I'm out being social, talking to people, and practicing my social skills. That guy laughed a little and said "Oh practicing your social skills" that's cute.. haha, I think that's a good answer when I next get that.
Then I moved on because it was obvious I wasn't going anywhere with that group, and I opened two asian girls by the bar. Used a direct opener like "Hey I saw you from over there and thought you were pretty cute, so I thought I'd come and talk to you" So I stayed as long as I could until they said that they have to go look for their friends, so I said talk to you later.
Next I opened an asian girl sitting by the table waiting for something. so I opened with "Hey I was a bit bored and you looked pretty bored too, so I thought I'come and talk to you."
Her: "Oh yeah, I'm just waiting for some friends"
Me: Damn those friends, how can they make people wait like that (in a funny tone and I noticed that she laughed a little and I knew I was in so I sat down in the chair next to her and started talking)
The interesting thing was that midway, this guy came up to the table and sat down too, obviously trying to cock block me, and was being a bit rude eventhough I was being friendly. Anyway, good experience of being AMOGed. I think I could have gotten this girl's number too though.
Next I opened a girl by the bar ordering drinks. Turned out she's like one of the owners of GPO or something like that. Opened up with "Hey, girls have this thing called a GAYDAR right?" Then I pointed out two people to her and asked her what she thought. That went pretty well, that we talked for a little bit, then she asked me my name and I found out hers.
Another interesting thing that happened tonight was that one of my wing's set which went out for hours. I joined him later on in his set, and we continued talking for another hour or so. Which thinking back, was really too long, should really have grabbed the number while we can. But they were really friendly and nice to talk to, so had lots of fun.
Lessons learned.
1) I'm starting to think that there are some girls which are naturally more attracted to me, while other girls are not. The girls which I get most responses out of are the ones which are smaller than I am, and asian. I'm beginning to wonder whether it is because these type of girls are naturally more attracted to me because of physically I'm bigger than them or something else, but oh well.. this is just an observation from me at this point.
2) Keeping a positive vibe, eventhough I'm chilling alone at the bar. Another thing I did was to practice standing up positively and thinking positive thoughts and sending out positive signals to everyone. I notice that I feel more positive and therefore my Body language seems more positive as well. I think that is much better than thinking about things I did wrong etc.. and getting into my head.
3) Should go for the Number close.. Don't hesitate.. just DO IT.
4) How to transition from vibing very nicely to a more physical thing? Should go and read the physical escalation thing from de carlo or something like that.