Thursday, May 24, 2007

GOTD May 24

Today is really really good! I don't know why but for the first time in my life, there is absolutely NO approach anxiety. NONE! Here's how it went and how I think I can make it better and some lessons that I learned from it.

(Girl reading some book at the book stand with earphones on)
Me: (walk up to her and pause, she turns around, and I do the beckoning move for her to remove her earphones) Hi, You don't know me, but I thought I'd just ask you about something.
Her: Oh hi,
Me: I was having this discussion with a friend, and she was telling me that to understand girls better, you have to go read cleo and cosmo, while some girls say that's crap, and they like to read new idea and who weekly.
Her: laughs etc..

Then we start to exchange ideas about what girls and guys are like blah blah. Then she asked me what guys are like and I said.

Me: Guys like pretty objects.

This is when I made my mistake, previously while discussing about guys and girls, she mentioned that she thought that guys like pretty objects, and I reinforced her idea here which is my mistake. Shortly after this, she says, well I have to go and she leaves. I think it was because of my answer that made that happen, because I was pretty sure that a while back, she was HOOKED.

Anyway, here's what I think I did well :) Firstly, totally calm, no fear, and spoke with a good clear voice. I knew that I was going to make her smile, so I had totally no fear. I also think that I'm beginning to get comfortable in making lines work. I can see how to make it work and so I am becoming more confident in delivering these lines.

The one thing I did bad was putting guys in a light which is not that good which reflects back on me. What I should have said was that guys secretly want to meet a girl with a great personality, and who's fun, but then somehow all these girls keep treating guys like a piece of meat. etc..
something along those lines.

Oh well, every rejection is feedback, and this will make me stronger and better ! YES!


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