Friday, May 04, 2007

Date with Destiny

This is just to write my experiences on the Date with Destiny programme by Anthony Robbins. By the way, if any of you were considering of going to DWD, GO! It has been the most fantastic experience, I've learnt so much, and the best thing is, he lays out the step by step process that you have to take to achieve the goals you want, hence achieving your destiny.

Anyway, my top 4 one year goals would be to:
1) Be great at meeting women, become good at social situations etc.
2) Go to an Impromptu class
3) Work on getting a salary of 60K at work
4) Finish my website

My life's mission statement:
The purpose of my life is to be my very best, enjoy the beauty of life, and to uplift myself and others.

My new PRIMARY question:
How can I appreciate even more the extraordinary person that I am, and use it to impact myself and others.


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