Wednesday, May 16, 2007

GOTD May 16

Today I was walking around the city, I find it more difficult to open up people who are in the streets, somehow it is easier if you're in a location where there is naturally conversation built in or that just because you two are there in the location that it is okay for you to talk (eg gym, bar, library)

Anyway, because I was in the street, I opened up a girl using a disqualifier opener.

Me: Hey, I like you shoes, I'm thinking of buying my girlfriend a pair of shoes, where did you get yours?
Her: Oh, blah blah, let me ask my friend etc..

She went on to ask her girlfriends about where to get shoes etc...

What I learnt: Disqualifier is quite powerful to disarm someone, if you just want to practice conversations. I could have continued on with the convo by discussing why some girls prefer high heels, while others do not. etc..


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