Sunday, February 26, 2006

Preparation for workshop and rock climbing today :)

Right.... time to do a plan on what I have to do to prepare for my upcoming Modern Man workshop this March.. Let's see, what I think I'll have to do is:

1) Preparation of what to wear.
2) Read the masf at as much as possible and take
down points of good openers and storylines to try out.
3) Summarise Mystery method review the points.
4) email Modern Man and ask whether I'll need to any other preparations and to give a bit of my background.
5) think what else I need to prepare and update this blog :P

Well, I'm feeling pretty nervous leading up to the main workshop, and I'm listening to this John Mayer song at the moment.. "Love song for no one" which is really pretty cool, one of the lyrics goes something like: "I could have met you on the sandbox, I could have passed you on the sidewalk, I could have missed my chance and watched you walk away...... "

I really believe that for every guy that sees a girl he finds attractive, and doesn't dare or feels too nervous to approach, it's really letting an opportunity pass by.. unfortunately, guys have this fear of approach built into us.. (according to Mystery) which fits into the caveman theory that if you approach the wrong girl, you can get bashed up by some guy bigger than you..

So.... I really hope that this workshop can help me get rid of that and be the guy I truly want to be :)

On another unrelated note, today's rock climbing was fun!! Saw some cute Japanese girls doing some rock climbing as well, but didn't really know what to say or how to open them.. Will have to think of some openers for next time.. and I really think rock climbing's a great place to take a date too.. if they're into this extreme adventure sports stuff.. also, when you're belaying, your date's safety is in your hands, and maybe that somehow psychologically helps in your favour..?? somehow.. maybe :)


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