Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fri + Sat night out

Friday night
I hung out with my wing, in the St Kilda areas and did 5 approaches tonight. It was a pretty slow night as it was quite cold and foggy out, but yeah I have learned a fair bit tonight as well.

I did 3 approaches at Metropol and 2 approaches at Traffik. The main lesson that I learn was that opinion openers don't work that well anymore.. and I'm starting to wonder why, I used the same opener, and for these past two days they don't work very well at all, I wonder if I'm starting to give off a creepy pickup vibe.

Anyway, the first approach I did at Metropol went like this:

ME: opener....
Her: Why don't you go ask those guys over there?

Translation: It is so obvious that you are asking us this because you want to pickup, and so go talk to someone else.

I got a similar vibe from others as well, once more in Traffik.
Although I did come face to face with a girl with the persona in Traffik, had to deal with a lot of tests.... I ejected after a while though, because it wasn't going into a fun direction.

Lessons to be learned here are:
1) What sort of vibe are you giving off? The cool guy vibe that is having fun and enjoying himself or the creepy pickup guy vibe?
2) You have to feel comfortable in the club to give off the confident vibe, if not people can pick up on it.

Saturday night
Today's another big night out with the melb lair guys. And I learned a lot as well today. First big thing that I learned was watching the guys who are really good. I noticed that they give off a very confident vibe, and wasn't running around the club so-called "working" the club.

My fav Brad Pitt opener didn't work well again today. What did work was opening with statements. The two statements that I tried was something like:

"Hey guys, it is illegal to be talking among yourself in the club, / waiting for something to happen / etc...."

"Hey I thought I'd be social and come talk to you guys.."

Big lessons that I learn today:
1) Girls are always thinking that all the guys are coming up to talk to them because they want a piece of their ass.
2) The context between day time and night time has changed, so that is why opinion openers work well during the day time. During the day time, girls primary question are: "Why is this guy talking to me?" So if you ask an opinion, then it justifies that. During the night though, they have the perception that: "All guys coming to talk to me asking me weird questions because they just want a piece of my ass." So this really makes me wonder whether my opinion openers don't work anymore because of the vibe I'm throwing off or whether it is because it just plainly does not work in the club because of the context.
3) Opening with statements are more effective in the club, and being the normal social fun guy is more effective. Giving off a cool fun vibe is more effective.

So tonight, I did another 5 approaches, and I think I have my first DHV story. What happened during one of my approaches was this: I was having a slow night, and building up my momentum, when I noticed these two girls sitting alone, not talking to each other. So I went up to them and said "Hey I thought I'd be social and come and talk to you guys" When I did that immediately to the far left, a bunch of guys starting laughing... I instantly knew that I have fallen into a trap that they were playing, seeing how many people would walk up and talk to their female friends.. So I ignored that, chatted with the girls for a while, wished them a fun night and walked away. Later that night, this guy ushered me, walked up to me and asked me to rejoin their group saying: Hey we LIKE you man!, Come and join us,.. So I joined them and it was really funny, I found out where they're from, etc...

And I got a number close tonight as well!!! Met this girl, she was really friendly, none of that persona that others have put up, so I was wondering whether it is because this person is friendly which I think is the case, or whether my approach with the others is wrong or is a combination of both. YEAH.. and the number was solid as well! What I think I did right, after getting the number, I talked to her for a bit, showed her the lying game. I did kino, but doing the handshakes, and vibed with her, found out about her etc.. gave her a reason for me to take the phone number, said how rare it is for me to meet someone that I can really connect with.

So now I'm wondering what sort of approach should I be taking.. I really feel like I should be focusing on having a fun time at the club, and not caring whether I do my 5 approaches or not.. eventhough I have to keep it at the back of my mind to do so. Rule of thumb:

1) 3 second rule, just approach, keep approaching to build momentum and get into the talkative social vibe.
2) Don't worry about not having things to say, there will be plenty of things to say.
3) Opinion openers..... scrap it???


Anonymous Seducers said...

Another excellent FR

9:29 PM  

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