Monday, July 03, 2006

Day 2 FR

Day 2 - TASK 6

Yeah! completed day 2 task 6, and here's my field report.

Approach 1 - NZgal: Asian new zealander visiting at my work place, so decided to go talk to her. Walked up to her and introduced myself. Found out her research work, plays the piano, goes for classical concerts. Dark brown eyes.

Approach 2 - Coffeeshop: Chatted about coffee while waiting for it. How good it smells in the morning when you walk in for walk. Light brown eyes.

Approach 3 - Borders1: Grabbed a Dating Scene Investigation book and asked her why is it that girls are more attracted to guys who're married? Started talking to her about different personality types based on the Personality Plus book, did some cold reading on her, asked her about herself and managed to email close her :) Dark brown eyes.

Approach 4 - Borders2: Hired gun working at borders. White girl, Asked her why is it that guy mags have pictures of girls on them and girl magazines have pictures of girls on them too? She said it's because girls are very competitive. How true :) Grey eyes.

Approach 5 - Safeway1: Used a vegemite opener, asked her how to make vegemite taste nice. White chick, light brown eyes.

Approach 6 - Safeway2: Hot asian chick about a 7.5 on my scale, wished I could have email close her as well. Saw her browsing some ice creams, and asked her which two flavours would she pick? then joked about how bananas are so expensive. Dark brown eyes.

Approach 7 - Safeway3: Just casual chit chat how are you with the indian cashier girl. Dark brown eyes.

In reflection
Openers that I've used today:

1) Coffee fan opener
If the girl is a coffee fan, tell her to try this. Go without coffee for about 2 months, then go to your favourite coffee shop and order one. It'll be the best experience in the world and you won't be able to forget that cup.

2) Guy/gal magazine opener
Why is it that guy magazines have all the pictures of girls on them and girl magazines have all the pictures of girls on them as well?

3) Vegemite opener
Vegemite is an australian thing, how can I make it taste nice?

Also, I think I could have at least email closed the asian safeway babe, by using the opener, Are you single? Because there's this guy, he's .....etc, and I think you two will get along well together.

Also, I think I need to be more calm and not nervous, because when I was nervous I cut a girl's conversation short and interrupted her. Bad move.

Overall another great experience. Learnt a lot today, not to be scared about approaching.


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